Tuesday, September 23, 2008

37 Weeks

A couple more weeks and I'll be a Dad, I'm sooo excited! Last Friday the doctor checked out Kristy, so here's the scoop: est. weight- 6 lbs. 11 oz. , 1-1/2 cm. dilated, 75% effaced and -1 pelvic station.

If it wasn't for the 10 hours of birthing classes I doubt those numbers would mean anything to me. The short of it is Chloe will probably be entering the world sooner than the original due date of October 13th.

The plan (as I understand it) is for natural childbirth. So we are practicing those famous Lamaze breathing techniques. They seem funny but I think they will actually help. Keeping your mind occupied with counting and duration of breaths is suppose to help distract from the pain (we'll see :)

I had trouble downloading the ultra sound pics, maybe in the next couple of days I can post the new ones.

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